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Please watch the latest episode of the That’s a Good Word podcast below!

I get to share my testimony, my call to ministry, and from my new book, “A Preach Well Church: How Churches Can Stop Burning Out Pastors.” Below you can see the outline for the interview to pick up where you like! 

That’s a Good Word is designed to assist and equip Christians through advice from people in ministry. I highly recommend checking it out. Click here to watch now and please share!

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That’s a Good Word: Timestamps

1. Finding Peace with God Through Jesus and the Impact of Parents, Pastors, and Professors

  • Peace can only come from knowing we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ’s work on the cross.

2. The Endless Wonders of the Gospel

  • Real Christians never get bored with the gospel.

3. Call to Ministry: Pursuing the Pastorate

  • An internal call from God can be reinforced by external confirmation from mature believers.

4. My Experience with Panic Attacks

  • Having your spouse’s support and understanding is essential for pastoral ministry.

5. Reducing Pastor Burnout: Assessment of Stressors and Coping Strategies 

  • Conducted research of 200 books and scholarly articles before surveying 97 Georgia Southern Baptist pastors on types of stressors and coping mechanisms related to pastoral burnout.

6. The Importance of Preaching and Praying

  • Preaching and praying are not antithetical to pastoring; these tasks should be at the core of pastoral ministry.
  • Burnout is often caused by excessive attention to tasks other than preaching and praying.
  • Paul’s commands in 2 Timothy 4 contain an extended, exalted, intensifying introduction that sets them apart from other biblical commands.

7. Pastoral Expectations and Struggles

  • Unrealistic expectations and lack of perspective (biblical or otherwise) can lead to burnout in pastors if an overly critical congregation voices their opinions without due process or hope for change.
  • There is an essential stress associated with caring about church members and wanting them to follow the Lord.
  • Burnout in ministry often results from prolonged emotional exhaustion from bearing other people’s burdens.

8. Supporting Pastors in Overcoming Burnout 

  • Research shows 20% of pastors have no close friends, and one in four struggle with mental illness.
  • Pastors may feel ashamed or judged to reach out for help when they need it.
  • Church members can be a great support system and advocate for their pastor.

9. Ways to Support Your Pastor’s Mental Health

  • One way church members can help is by granting the pastor permission to take self-care breaks without judgment.

10. Critiquing Pastors in Ministry 

  • Criticism is often well thought out and intentional, while encouragement tends to be passing or brief.
  • No one person speaks for everyone.
  • Find someone to trust who has the best interests of the church in mind.
  • Mutual love between pastor and congregation is crucial.
  • Take seriously any advice given from those you know have your best interests at heart.

11. Understanding and Treating Post-Adrenaline Depression 

  • Post adrenaline depression is a concept proposed by Dr. Archibald Hart, referring to how adrenaline rushes can lead to mental fatigue and depression afterward.
  • Male figures, such as pastors, are especially prone to post-adrenaline depression due to the nature of their job roles and responsibilities.
  • Pastors often act as adrenaline junkies, living for the high of leading a service each week and then crashing hard until doing it again.

12. Taking Sabbath Rest for Pastor’s Success 

  • Regularly taking Sabbath rest from ministry and delegating responsibilities to more competent people is necessary for a pastor’s mental health and long-term success.

13. Visiting and Discipling: Biblical Expectations for Believers 

  • Visiting and discipling are biblical expectations for all believers, not just pastors (Matthew 25 and 28, James 1:27).
  • The key to avoiding burnout is setting boundaries, schedules, priorities, and realistic goals within ministry work.

14. How to Prepare Your Preaching

  • Planning sermons can help a pastor multitask, creating a cushion for emergencies and problems.
  • Sermon preparation is not antithetical to personal devotions.

15. Receive 40% Off Josh’s Book with Promo Code

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